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5th Wheel Rail (Bent Plate) Gooseneck Hitch with 2 5/16” Ball, 25k Capacity

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5th Wheel Rail (Bent Plate) Gooseneck Hitch with 2 5/16” Ball, 25k Capacity
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If you’re looking for a gooseneck adapter for a 5th wheel set up, this 25k capacity bent plate Gooseneck hitch with 2 5/16” ball by Curt could be exactly what you are looking for. A 5th wheel/gooseneck plate like this durable carbide powder coated finish is essentially a gooseneck hitch that mounts into a 5th wheel rail, allowing you to pull both 5th wheel and gooseneck trailers with the same tow vehicle. This above bed bent plate Gooseneck trailer hitch for 5th wheel rails is very simple to install and remove as it uses a 4 pin-and-clip attachment setup, giving you full access and use of your truck bed in moments time. 

This gooseneck adapter plate features a 3” offset from the center of the plate, so if you have a long bed truck you can install the ball closer to the cab. If you have a short bed truck, you can reverse the plate so the ball is closer to the tailgate.


- Built in safety chain holes

- Gross towing weight capacity 25k

- Vertical load limit or pin weight towing 6250 lbs

- Rise above rails 1.5”

- Plate weighs 40 lbs

- Welded 2 5/16” trailer ball

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